1460 Search Results for link up

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 3: January 2024

January 21, 2024 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 3: January 2024

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts for you to browse. Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Getting Ready for February’s School Year of Core Vocabulary Words Older Student Lessons Thursday – Throwback Thursday: Visual Supports & AAC ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Before you go, here are a couple of other suggestions for posts to explore. Transitioning to the Workplace: Resources for AAC Learners with Significant Disabilities Working with Multiple Symbol Sets Faces of AAC: Making It Work in A Busy Family Supporting AAC Learners in Working with Words Vocabulary Instruction: When Definitions Don’t Work

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 2: January 2024

January 14, 2024 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 2: January 2024

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. We have some posts for you to check out. Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Fun with Core Vocabulary Thursday – Throwback Thursday: AAC-friendly Resources for Martin Luther King Jr Day ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Before you go, take a look at some of these past posts from the AACtual Therapy series. AAC, Literacy, & Squishy Books Making Core Words Fun for Students with Autism AAC Intervention for Beginning Communicators: Presume Competence and Be the Fun Building Language and Emergent Literacy Skills with ‘Do You Wear Diapers?’ Informal Assessment Activity with Jeanne Tuthill

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 1: January 2024

January 7, 2024 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 1: January 2024

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts to kick off the New Year. Monday – Ushering In A New Year of AAC Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Supporting AAC During Classroom Instruction Thursday – Growing AAC Professionals: Dialectical Resources for AAC Friday – PráctiCAAmente Conectados: CAA Con Links – Enero 2024 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Before you go, here are some posts to explore from our ‘How I Do It’ series. Pocket Flipbooks for Teens & Adults (Intro),  Part 1 and Part 2 A Year of Core Words in Action Addressing the 4 Most Overlooked Operational Skills for High-Tech AAC Users Using Visual Supports to Build Attention and Cooperation Starting AAC with Teens & Young Adults by Angela Adams

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 53: December 2023

December 31, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 53: December 2023

Happy New Year, AAC friends. If your day calls for some AAC content, we have a few suggestions for you. Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Top AAC Videos of the Year: 2023 Thursday – School Year of Core Vocabulary Words – Older Student Lessons: Resources for January ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Interested in a few more articles to browse? Here’s a selection to choose from. Got Holiday Cards? 5 PrAACtical Suggestions AACtual Therapy with Deanna Wagner: Why Cook When You Can’t Eat? Communication Access Cards Holiday Talk: AAC Conversations Using Partner-focused Questions Holiday Photos in AAC Learning: 3 Ideas for Using Them to Build Language Best wishes for a safe, healthy, and happy start to 2024!

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 52: December 2023

December 24, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 52: December 2023

Happy Sunday, AAC friends, and good Christmas Eve to those who celebrate this holiday. If you have some time, here are a handful of posts that may be of interest. Monday – School Year of Core Vocabulary Words: Introducing “Lessons for Older Students” Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: About School Year of Core Vocabulary Words Older Student Lessons by Michaela Sullivan & Lindsay Dougherty Thursday – January Year of Core Vocabulary & School Year of Core Vocabulary Words Friday – An AAC Christmas Tale ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: If you have some extra time, stick around and check out these posts from the archives. AAC Devices & Apps Without an Evaluation: A Few Questions to Ask Teaching Prelinguistic Communication to Beginning Communicators 5 Resources for Your AAC Toolkit Text-based AAC Beginning Communicators: Learning Through Touch Cues

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 51: December 2023

December 17, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 51: December 2023

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. We have some posts you might enjoy. Monday – Cultural-Linguistic AAC: Bilingual Literacy & AAC Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Collaborating on AAC-friendly Healthcare Information Thursday – Throwback Thursday: AAC & Peer Relationships ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: If you can squeeze in a few more, take a look at some of these posts from the archives. PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: Hello, Holidays! How We Do It: Using AAC to Repair Communication Breakdowns Data Collection for the Beginning AAC User: Essential Things to Measure AAC & ASD: Beyond Scripting More Words, Please! Expanding Our Manual Communication Boards Activity Schedule AACtion Wishing all of you the magic of the season!

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 50: December 2023

December 10, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 50 December 2023

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. We have some posts you might enjoy. Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Creating Buy-in Thursday – PrAACtically Hanukkah: Resources & Activities for an AAC-friendly Celebration ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Have a little more time? You might want to check out some of these posts from the archives. PrAACtical Questions with Vicki Clarke: What’s the Role of Core Vocabulary? Supporting AAC Learners in Emergent Writing: 5 Helpful Resources Writing AAC Goals Let Me Tell You Something- Narratives for the Beginning Communicator Teaching Word Prediction: 5 Strategies for Consideration  

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 49: December 2023

December 3, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 49: December 2023

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts you might enjoy. Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: The ABC’s of AAC Thursday – December Year of Core Vocabulary & School Year of Core Vocabulary Words Friday – PráctiCAAmente Conectados: CAA Con Links – Diciembre 2023   Still have time for a little more AAC? Here are some of our suggestions. Assessing Classroom AAC Practices Helping Beginning Communicators Expand Their Sentence Length 5 Ways to Make Semantic Maps More Effective in AAC Therapy PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: The Family Book How I Do It: A Year of Core Words in Action Have a great week, everyone!

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 48: November 2023

November 26, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 48: November 2023

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts you may have missed. Monday: PrAACtically Thanksgiving: AAC-friendly Resources for Turkey Day Fun Tuesday: AAC Link Up Wednesday: Video of the Week: ‘Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving Before you go, we have a few more posts that may be of interest. PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: Hello, Holidays! 5 Different Gifts to Give To A Classroom PrAACtical Ideas: AAC Core Vocabulary Practice for Workshops and Inservices Video of the Week: Helping Students with Autism Prepare for Non-routine Events AAC Fair Testing Practices: Implementation & Beyond

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 47: November 2023

November 19, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 47: November 2023

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts that you might enjoy. Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Executive Function and AAC Thursday – Throwback Thursday: Teaming & AAC ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: While you’re here, check out some of these previously published posts. 5 Ways to Tell If Your Students are Becoming Competent Communicators A Look at PODD Books Using Visual Supports to Bring Music Alive Supports for When Modeling AAC is Hard AACtual Therapy: Use Your Best Spud to Teach Vocabulary With Tanna Neufeld The Critical Nature of Literacy in AAC